26 окт. 2013 г.

Epistolary structure of a biblical book

A biblical book written in epistolary genre has the following structure: 

  • a brief introduction
  • a personal conclusion
and in between -- two major segments:
  • a doctrinal section, followed by 
  • a practical section.
Examples: Ephesians, Colossians, other Pauline writings.

Noted from the Synthetic Bible Study series by Howard Hendricks (Prof) on www.discipleshiplibrary.com


via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/FtSezvPG6Kg

23 окт. 2013 г.

Government building, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Government building, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Дом правительства, Улан Батор, Монголия

via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/8QdVzh8dHQR

19 окт. 2013 г.

Роберт Фостер. "Семь минут с Богом. Как планировать ежедневное время общения с Богом". ePub. От Навигаторы...

Роберт Фостер. "Семь минут с Богом. Как планировать ежедневное время общения с Богом". ePub. От Навигаторы. Бесплатно! https://gum.co/bovW

Robert Foster. "Seven minutes with Desiring God".
In Russian. Format ePub. FREE!

Семь минут с Богом. Как планировать ежедневное время общения с Богом.

Небольшая статья (4 страницы) о том, как вы можете узнавать Бога, проводя время с Ним в чтении Библии и молитве.Формат ePub.
via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/VqswZDJgtvE

If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.

If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.

~ Charles Thomas Studd

C.T. Studd, Missionary to China, India, and Africa - Missionary biographies - Worldwide Missions

C.T. Studd, English missionary to China, India, and Africa.
via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/WgqScttVs4m

17 окт. 2013 г.

Неожиданно и познавательно!

Неожиданно и познавательно!

Бунт в Бирюлеве - сигнал Кремлю: надо менять РЕЖИМ

Убийство в Бирюлеве Егора Щербакова стало той искрой, ; которая зажгла пламя, осветившее реальное состояние российского общества,…

via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/ikTDxVd2Qap

11 окт. 2013 г.

"The secret of joy is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances." —Elizabeth Elliot

"The secret of joy is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances." —Elizabeth Elliot

via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/SvsqhUzSePE

The #Bible is a book about #Jesus.

The #Bible is a book about #Jesus.

In the Old Testament Jesus is predicted.

In the Gospels Jesus is revealed.

In the Acs Jesus is preached.

In the Epistles Jesus is explained.

In the Revelation Jesus is expected.

via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/9AfGYk8Ep9a

The #Bible is a book about #Jesus.

The #Bible is a book about #Jesus.

In the Old Testament Jesus is predicted.

In the Gospels Jesus is revealed.

In the Acs Jesus is preached.

In the Epistles Jesus is explained.

In the Revelation Jesus is expected.

via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/eRyqShYvgo3

1 окт. 2013 г.

Reflection in Developing Leaders

I have learned lately a few questions which are helpful as we minister to men and help them develop as leaders.

The normal learning cycle (how adults learn)
Experience --> Reflection --> Conclusions --> Applications --> New experience --> ...

What often happens that due to various reasons Reflection is skipped, and after Experience people jump to Conclusions, and often wrong ones.

How we can help and help them reflect on their experience -- by asking good questions.

There are 5 questions to help one to Reflect on Experience:
1. What did you learn about God?
2. What did you learn about yourself?
3. What did you learn about leadership?
4. If you were in the same experience again, what would you do the same? And why?
4. If you were in the same experience again, what would you do differently? And why?

in this session on "How to develop a Disciple-making Ministry": http://turret2.discipleshiplibrary.com/LI2012_14.mp3
since minute 13