14 нояб. 2013 г.

A piece of advice to new leaders.

A piece of advice to new leaders

TJ Addington - Leading From the Sandbox : Seven suggestions for those in new leadership positions

New leadership positions are a wonderful challenge for leaders but they bring with them significant dangers. The challenges are obvious but the dangers often are not. They include moving too quickly, reading existing staff wrong, alienating people because we don't understand them and their ...
via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/UG4QtP2xdQg

10 нояб. 2013 г.

1 Corinthians. Different message to different types of people.

Epistle of apostle Paul to the Corinthians is traditionally called first, although the accurate observer will notice the text suggests that Paul has already written to them (1 Cor 5:9), and they have responded (1 Cor 7:1).

Paul writes to the church in Corinth and addresses both the problems reported by the people of Chloe (1:11) and the questions raised by the Corinthians themselves (7:1).

The high-level outline of the 1st epistle to the Corinthians:
  1. Greetings, 1:1-9
  2. Answering Chloe people's report, 1:10-6:20
  3. Answering questions asked by the Corinthians, 7:1-16:18.
  4. Final greetings, 16:19-24
At the very beginning of epistle Paul states the problem in the church which he will address -- divisions (1:10). Believers in Corinth thought they were spiritual/mature/wise (3:18), yet they were not, but rather immature, babes (3:1). There were many indications of childish behavior, of acting like unbelievers (natural, merely human). 

  1. They tried to get their value by assosiating with certain spiritual heavies: Paul, Apollos, Cephas, Christ (1:12). 
  2. There were jealousy, strife among them (ch. 3).
  3. They misunderstood what the true ministry was (ch. 4).
  4. They failed to live according to new nature in Christ, but acted like before being re-born (ch. 5).
  5. They failed to be a proper testimony to the world (ch. 6).
As Paul addresses the issues, he helps them to realize their true spiritual state. His reasoning in chapters 2 and 3 can be illustrated as shown on the scheme. Paul points out three types of people: 
  1. Unbelievers (natural);
  2. Immature (people of the flesh, babes in Christ);
  3. Mature (spiritual).
Note that Paul's ministry and message to people depended on where they were spiritually. 

See more on Paul's calling and strategy in advancing the gospel in chapter 9:19-23.

  • How does Paul's description of people's spiritual maturity help you to better see your own needs and the needs of those around you? 
  • In which way may you need to adapt your message to assist those you seek to help mature spiritually?

7 нояб. 2013 г.

Заочная Библейская Школа

Заочная Библейская Школа

На русском, казахском, узбекском, таджикском, кыргызском и туркменском языках.

via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/i61j8VvBWNE

Испытываешь нужду? Проходишь испытания? Вот ободрительное обещание от Бога:

Обещание. Запоминаю наизусть, чтобы помнить т опираться на верного Бога.

Konstantin Dorichev originally shared:

Испытываешь нужду? Проходишь испытания? Вот ободрительное обещание от Бога:

Благословен человек, который надеется на Господа, и которого упование — Господь. Ибо он будет как дерево, посаженное при водах и пускающее корни свои у потока; не знает оно, когда приходит зной; лист его зелен, и во время засухи оно не боится и не перестает приносить плод.

Иеремия 17:7-8

via Konstantin Dorichev - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/114180361825982522364/posts/QpvcnFaeud3